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"Since you are one of those very rare financial newsletter writers that actually reviews how his recommendations have performed, I would like to also chime in with my views on the trading advice you have provided over the years. I have been a subscriber to your precious metals newsletter since 2010 and consider your newsletter to be the best source of market trading advice that is out there, and the best source of profitable trades one can obtain. I have tried 12 paid-subscription newsletters over the past 8 years and yours is the only one that has consistently made me more money than a buy-and-hold strategy, despite the fact that some of the others charge significantly more for their advice than you do.

It has been my experience that simply by taking the trades recommended by you in your Gold & Silver Stock Report newsletter, a subscriber can achieve annual gains that are better than what 99% of the highly-overpaid, and celebrated in the media, hedge fund managers are able to achieve for their clients. And they are frequently using massive leverage to achieve gains that are nowhere near as good as what your subscribers can expect to achieve without any leverage by simply following your recommended trades. Many thanks for the outstanding advice you provide in your newsletters." – MS, 9/20/12

"Clif, that was a fantastic call on your part with regard to PHM! While the S&P 500 itself is up about 2% from the time of your PHM recommendation, PHM is up by a jaw-dropping 10% in the same time period. This idea of picking the strongest stock in the strongest sector has certainly worked out amazingly well. Congratulations on a brilliant call, and thank you." – CT, 1/26/13

"Really enjoy and depend on MSR & GSSR. Thanks again." – LB

"I've just ordered your book on silver trading, and would like to be updated with new books. Your Moving Average book made me earn quite a good sum of money! I sincerly have to thank you for this! " --IC

"After last fall's [2008] shocker, I have recovered most my losses thanks to your awesome newsletters. And so should everyone else who subscribe." --AN

"I mainly trade 3 main things – DROOY (and your recommended gold stock and silver stocks), QQQQ, and SLV & GLD. You seem to have been 100% correct anticipating the QQQQ breakout [in the daily Gold & Silver Stock Report] and I bought heavily based on your enthusiasm so a big thanks are due on your excellent read of the markets. All of the above are doing well so far this year." --AZ

"Just wanted to drop you a note and tell you how happy I am with your market analysis [Spring 2008 -- Momentum Strategies Report]. You are the best I have come across and believe me, I have tried them all! Throughout this whole rally everyone else, letter writers and media have missed the rally while you had us in right from the start. I have seen some really good technical analysts who write newsletters get caught up in the financial crisis ignoring the technicals and focusing too much on all the bad news and unfortunately they and their subscribers missed the rally. You have kept your focus by staying true to the technical signals despite all of the demoralizing news around you, not easy to do I know, especially in this environment. Your letter has given me the confidence and validation of my own technical analysis during this tough period, and it has been a tough period. Thanks for the great work!" --JZ

"Your reports are a delight to read especially since they go much beyond the dry buying and selling into an explanation of various elements like psychology and cycles which are not remotely touched upon anywhere else." --HS

"A pretty good September [in DRDGOLD], from $5.59 to $8.04, about a 44% increase (not including the decline in the dollar).  I backed up the truck in late August and did very well last month, thanks in part to reading your book Durban Deep: Past, Present, and Future.  I think I made about 25 Gs on DROOY.  Thanks again! for your great insights."  --AZ

"I wanted to thank you for your consistently precognitive abilities in predicting the direction of the stock market.  I have been following you for 4 years now and I cannot remember the last time you were wrong.  I sent you an email several months back stating that I worked for Yellow Freight and I was expecting a recession because work had slowed down so much.  You convinced me that the market was heading back up so I reinvested my money into the market after the August meltdown.  I have made a bunch of money in the last 3 weeks.  It is still slow at work so I would still be expecting that recession to materialize (and subsequent stock market bear market) if it weren't for your excellent advice."

I really respect your straight forward reports in that they do not try to further confuse us about the mystery and voodoo of the stock market so that we will continue to subscribe. Believe me, I can see through many of the letter writers who try to keep us on the hook.

Thanks a bunch [April 2007].  Your great calls on EXK and QURAF [in Momentum Strategies Report] have made me a bundle! 

I complement you on your latest calls [April 2007].  They were contrarian and accurate.  I am very impressed.  When my subscription to [another stock market advisory] expires I will try yours instead!

Thanks Clif !!!  1000 share turn [in MDTL] more than paid for my subscription !!!

Thanks for another great year [2006]. I paid for the subscription three times over on the NASDAQ 100 trades. I really like you covering the HUI and the XAU. I bought ECU Silver and Quaterra Resources based on your recommendations and have made money. Thanks a bunch, and thanks for your quick response to my infrequent questions.

I just purchased and read Clif Droke's December Junior Mining Stock Report. It was very good, and he covered information on a mine have shares in, Aurcana Resources. It is hard to find an online financial advisor who really covers the juniors with the concern and care that Clif Droke does. He is really helping the many small investors in getting started with what they can afford, so that down the road they may acquire and become larger investors.

Thanks you so much for all your work for your clients throughout the year [2006]. I find it very beneficial.

Enjoy reading your reports. Subscribe to 32 newsletters, I know too many, but like the broad range of thoughts. Yours, I will admit is very good.

I don't normally send out notes of appreciation but I am so impressed with your Momentum Strategies Report that I had to thank you. You have been right on and have greatly improved my trading profits. The market has been tricky lately [early 2005] and your calls have all been correct....Keep up the good work and I'll be renewing my subscription soon!
- AO

Outstanding record of market calls this year [2004]! -- one of the toughest years to call for most.

...you've been close, or right on, through the whole year [2004]! A true contrarian -- I respect your willingness to break from the "pack."

You have been really hot lately, and are definitely running against the [famous bearish analysts] of the world.

Congratulations on excellent calls [Fall 2004]. Your research is very informative and accurate!

Keep up the good work Clif, great call last fall [2004] on the DJIA. I see no one is giving you credit for pretty well being the only person that was right. That call helped me considerably.

Thank you for doing much of the work for us so that we can (more or less) buy and sell. INTC has been nice to me since Sept 30 when I went long. With some extra trading I was able to garner more than four dollars a share. Final sale at 24.05.

Clif, you've done it again! Several weeks ago you talked about Crude oil going down, and now it has surprised many traders! Your doing a great job, keep it up!

I've been basing more of my trading decisions on your comments [Momentum Strategies Report], and I am please on the whole -- your service is a great value.

I see you are still as accurate as you have been for the past two years. Great job!

Your book "Moving Averages Simplified" has become my "bible" of late, as I have re-read it many times over the past few months. It has greatly helped improve my trading.

I am relatively new trader (less than a year trading). I bought your book Moving Averages Simplified" and I definitely know a lot more than I did, which I want to thank you for.

I am an eager reader of your essays...and have bought "Moving Averages Simplified," a wonderful study!

...you were the one who supercharged my charting with your moving average book ["Stock Trading with Moving Averages"] and your constant analysis of the 30/60/90s [moving averages] and the 20 /40s, etc.

I have subscribed to your service many times before and have always been happy with the profits I have made using your advice. I own "How to Sell Short in the Stock Market" and have a hard copy of every one of your essays, as I am quite impressed with your ability to draw parallels from history to this time period.

I live in Tasmania (an island state of Australia) and find your writings to be of immense value in gaining an intelligent perspective on the USA.

You are in a class by yourself and I must continue reading what you have to say however much it hurts.

[A friend] was kind enough to direct me to your 2002 forecast. And I must tell you, I wish to goodness I had read that, and even more so, believed it and acted accordingly....considering how right you were, to ignore what you say and not give it some weight would not be smart.

I would like to commend you for the fine work you do with Gold Strategies Review. I have found your method of technically analyzing each respective gold stock very informative, and it has greatly benefitted my trading decisions.

The main reason that I bought into Durban Deep (DROOY) was the articles that you wrote in May and June 2001 telling people to buy at market...thank you!

...I know you don't have a crystal ball, although some of your past market calls make me wonder if you do!

Thank you very much. I read your reports very carefully and learn from them and your books as hard as I can.

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